Subset of Theoretical Practice

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Next Meeting: 11/11/2024 9:00 PM UTC

11 Nov
The Popular Communities Movement
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Planned Meetings

02 December 2024

Solidarity Kitchens in the Houseless' Workers Movement

Previous Meetings (160)

Social Information: Update on Research (Formal/Mathematical)
21 October 2024
The Web of the Peoples
07 October 2024
A conversation about the history and thinking of the Teia dos Povos, in Brazil
YouTube recording
Social Information: Update on Research (Conceptual/Empirical)
23 September 2024
The Common Space of Organizations and the theory of militant enquiries
09 September 2024

Meeting Materials

Common Space of Organizations and militant enquiries.pdf

YouTube recording
Karatani's "Power and the Modes of Exchange"
26 August 2024

Meeting Materials

Chalk Outline.pdf

YouTube recording
Discussion of logics and modes
10 June 2024
YouTube recording
Logic of Social Information Part 2: Linear Logic
27 May 2024
We will explore Linear Logic as a natural system to study how transcendentals are manifested in worlds and objects. We'll briefly cover LL, and then look how it fits with other formalisms STP is using. We'll then consider LL in terms of the Curry-Haskell isomorphism, which was an inspiration for our tripartite theory of social mediation.

Meeting Materials

Towards a geometry of interaction.pdf



YouTube recording
Quick update on the encampments
13 May 2024
Glossary: real, alignment, misalignment, organization
06 May 2024
Discussion about how to frame some terms as entries for STP's new glossary
YouTube recording
Environmental Logic 3: Organizational Base and Transition
22 April 2024
This is the third and last installement in the ongoing research on the concept and logic of social environments. This last presentation will go over the previous results in order to focus on the use of the concept of environment both in order to define the ground of a struggle as well as a new theory of the transition between social formations.

Meeting Materials

Environmental logic.pdf

Environmental logic.pdf

YouTube recording
STP Book: Book structure and sections 1
15 April 2024
YouTube recording
Logic of Social Information
08 April 2024
Attempt at an articulation of the atomic logic and conceptual articulation of Mode B, that is, how we define it formally but also how we conceive of it theoretically. I argue that we have yet to define Mode B at the level of abstraction we have with 'affinity' and 'value' and I propose 'protocol' as this notion. I will attempt to use some of our mathematical references to justify this, but I will largely rely on an attempt to construct the current defining notions -- contract, property, state -- from the more fundamental (and logically pure -- part of my issue with at least some of these terms is that they are mixtures of modes) notion of Mode B as protocol (I'll also make a case for why 'protocol' and not 'law'). I am also hoping to explore the particular dialectic of consistency and completeness which provides the lineaments of 'protocolity' (if anyone has a better term please let me know, that's painful to both read and write), but I will likely only begin to sketch out the formal implications of this. So this is also an opening of a conversation to the group. One practical objective is to summarize, condense and systematize my research in Mode B to date as part of collectivizing the research in the newly formed Mode B group.
YouTube recording
The militant point of view
25 March 2024
A meeting to discuss the impasses of subjectivization, ideology and militancy within STP's social mediations diagram.

Meeting Materials

Subjectivity, militancy and ideology from STP's framework.pdf

YouTube recording
A theory of Militant Enquiries
18 March 2024
We will discuss the basic tenets of a theory of militant enquiries, revising the history of workers' enquiries, the way the organizational point of view opens the space for enquiries directed at political organizations and how STP's theory might help us define this practice.

Meeting Materials

Theory of militant enquiries.pdf

A history of workers' enquiry.pdf

YouTube recording
STP Book Project: Next Steps!
11 March 2024
Meeting to discuss the details and workflow of STP's new book project
Meeting on the Common Space of Organizations
04 March 2024
CSO is a project to connect different political organizations. This meeting will give an overview of the project and its aims.
YouTube recording
Solidarity and Justice Group discussions
26 February 2024



STP Book Project proposal
19 February 2024
We discuss the strategy and method of working for our book project.



International solidarity from the organizational point of view
12 February 2024
preliminary discussion regardin international solidarity and future STP projects.




YouTube recording
A discussion on practical solidarity with Palestine
05 February 2024
An internal meeting about the requirements of membership within STP.



Discord Launch
29 January 2024
Going over, discussing and launching our new Discord server


Book Project: Skeleton and Strategy
22 January 2024
Our ideas for the structure and contents of the STP book.


YouTube recording
STP's First Meeting of the Year: 2023 in review and what's ahead of us
15 January 2024


YouTube recording
Travafeminismo – travestilidade and feminist political struggle
11 December 2023


YouTube recording
Discussion about social environment theory
13 November 2023
Meeting to discuss ideas presented in "Environmental logic, part 2".

Meeting References

Environmental Logic, 2: what is a social environment?


YouTube recording
Social Dissonance and Social Synthesis
06 November 2023
Critical presentation of the theses of Mattin's book Social Dissonance, with an eye on the supplementation by Sohn-Rethel's concept of social synthesis.

Meeting Materials

Convex portrait in a self-mirror. Social Dissonance and Social Synthesis (CARON).docx

Convex portrait in a self-mirror. Social Dissonance and Social Synthesis (CARON).pdf



YouTube recording
Organizational meeting on Central Admin structure
30 October 2023
Meeting to discuss new lottery to CA position and possible solutions to other problems.


Simulating Laws of Chaos and Social Reproduction
23 October 2023
This presentation covers the probabilistic labor theory of value of Farjoun and Machover, as well as an attempt to simulate their results using agent-based modeling. We will also draw connections between this methodology and the framework established in the Primer.

Meeting Materials

Simulating Laws of Chaos.pdf

Emmanuel Farjoun, Moshe Machover, David Zachariah - How Labor Powers the Global Economy_ A Labor Theory of Capitalism-Springer (2022).pdf

Meeting References

Ian Wright's review of "How Labour Powers the Global Economy"

Our first meeting on representation of capital

Diane Elson's text on the "value theory of labor"

ABM in Julia using Agents.jl




YouTube recording
Environmental logic 2: what is a social environment?
16 October 2023
Following our initial discussion of environmental logic, in this second presentation we will focus on Søren Mau's theory of "economic compulsion" as an environmental feature, connecting it to Emanuele Bardone's work on bounded rationality and distributed cognition, offering an epistemological supplement to Mau's theory of capitalist power. Following previous discussions of the topic in our meetings is useful in understanding this presentation.

Meeting Materials

Søren Mau - Mute Compulsion A Marxist Theory of the Economic Power of Capital-VERSO (2023).pdf



YouTube recording
Org Meeting on Research Coordinator
09 October 2023


YouTube recording
Why the Assault on Trans Rights?
02 October 2023
Using the Organizational POV and other STP theories to analyze the dangerous reaction against trans people and propose some political responses.

Meeting Materials

Wynter_Unsettling the Coloniality of Being-Power-Truth-Freedom.pdf


YouTube recording
Discussion about the social modes of nature
25 September 2023
This is a recapitulatory meeting to discuss some of the ideas of the first presentation on Environmental Logic, from August. The idea is to go over the basic arguments and prepare the ground for the next presentation, on social environments.

Meeting Materials

Environmental logic.pdf

Meeting References

The previous presentation



YouTube recording
Organizational meeting: STP's Symposium
18 September 2023
We will discuss some ideas about our symposium project



The Times of Black Diaspora
11 September 2023
We welcome Victor Galdino to talk about his current research project on black archive and the colonial space-time relation.


YouTube recording
Organizational meeting: Central Admin and Transition period
04 September 2023
First organizational meeting with new central admin in place


A network of "0"s: does building an audience substitute for political work?
28 August 2023
A discussion on the different ways social networks and other online platforms can function in political processes.


YouTube recording
The Politics of Self: Christopher Lasch's Psychoanalytic Approach to Fordist and early neo-liberal politics
21 August 2023
We welcome C. Derick Varn, who will present on Chapter 6 of Christopher Lasch's Minimal Self, where Lasch makes his conceptions of political and psychic alignment clear. We will breakdown Lasch's use of primary and secondary Narcissism in relationship to the end of Fordism, and we also will check in and see what if anything still holds today.

Meeting Materials

Christopher Lasch - The Minimal Self_ Psychic Survival in Troubled Times (1985) pages 1-12,194-220.pdf



YouTube recording
Environmental logic 1: the social modes of nature
07 August 2023
This is a first presentation, of a few, trying to flesh out a theory of the environment that is compatible with STP's current work. In this first approach, we will discuss the section of the Atlas dedicated to the way the transcendental modes constitute different concepts of nature and add some further features to this initial model, such as the distinction, developed in our readings of MES, between landscape, system, environment and world.

Meeting Materials

Chapter 3 of Karl Marx’s Ecosocialism_ Capital, Nature, and the Unfinished Critique of Political Economy-Monthly Review Press (2017) pages 94-132.pdf

Sahlins - On the ontological scheme of Beyond Nature and Culture.pdf

Part 1 of Seeing like a State.pdf

Section VIII of Atlas.pdf



YouTube recording
Transformative Justice and Social Metabolism
31 July 2023
Transformative Justice refers to a set of practices for dealing with interpersonal violence and harm, typically within the context of social or political communities. The ideas and practice falling under this concept were largely pioneered and developed by anti-oppression movements and feminist theory, also drawing from historical examples of justice practices within indigenous communities. Transformative justice is increasingly seen as an alternative to excessively punitive and carceral models of justice. As the title indicates, it proposes a more holistic and transformative approach to justice, aiming to secure the necessary level of care and security for the survivor, whilst at the same time aiming to transform rather than isolate the wrongdoer, and by extension transform underlying social relations. The growing popularity of transformative justice also entails greater critical scrutiny, both of its theoretical foundations, and in some cases of practical implementation. Similarly, transformative justice seems significantly limited given its exclusive basis within the context of communities. Whilst proponents of transformative justice often extoll such practices as prefiguring a model of revolutionary justice, their limitation in scope means that this claim can only be sustained as long as one accepts that matters of justice are always resolved at the level of communities. On the other hand, if we contend that there are other modes of sociality to which questions of justice are relevant, it becomes necessary to consider how— if at all— the ethos of transformative justice can be extended to institutions and practices adequate to this scale. This presentation aims to problematise and think through these questions. The goal is ultimately to try and deliver on the revolutionary promise of transformative justice without flattening our conception of sociality to an exclusively communitarian model.

Meeting Materials


YouTube recording
Proposals for STP Reorganization
24 July 2023
We've decided upon starting the selection process for the Central Admin. This person will be responsible for taking on a series of admin duties that have been previously outlined in previous meetings and that have been written down on a collectively vetted document. We have, however, decided that aside from those duties, it would be interesting for any group member to make suggestion on how admins could work. Thus, there would be a space for proposals, strategic ideas and any point of emphasis that they think the admin should take on his tenure.


YouTube recording
Popular Movement for Housing: 12 years of experience in organizing the working class in the suburbs of Curitiba, Brazil
17 July 2023
The Popular Movement for Housing was founded in 2011 in a big city of southern Brazil (Curitiba) by 5 left-wing militants who were already organized in a Party-like Organization. However, being discontent with the lack of colective political experiencce with the working class within the party, these militants felt encouraged to create new conceptios and organizing forms. The movement initiated with a thorough critique of left-wing preconceptions on how and specially where a colective class organization should start. The perspective shifted, from organizing the workers in their place of work to organizing them in their place of living, and this boosted the movement with new conditions to act having the homeless as its main popular base. Being both na anthropological experience of coexistence with the workers and a political experience on strategic methods for obtaining victory, the movement is now a successful example of a political and spiritual laboratory. It has certainly suffered from the political wave of neo-fascism awakened by Bolsonaro’s politics. For nearly 2 years the movement has been strongly on the defensive side, struggling to maintain what is has concquered suffering from police abuse, political harassment, etc. but it survived thanks to its faithfulness to the political experience. After 12 years, the movement has now more than 3000 people spread through 7 ocupations who benefited from these victories, not to mention the significant growth in the number of cadres and local leaders formed by the movement over the years. With a new Lula government and the reestructuring of Brazil’s state, there opens up a new hope for further strenghning of the colective and more material victories appear on the horizon.


YouTube recording
Seeing like a Subset (2): mapping our ideas, projects and publications
10 July 2023
Continuing to map our work thus far, now with focus on open research problems

Meeting Materials

Seeing like a subset.jpg

YouTube recording
Organizational matters of the STP
26 June 2023
Organizational discussion of STP plans and structure
YouTube recording
Seeing like a Subset: mapping our ideas, projects and publications
19 June 2023
A mapping exercise to visualize our ideas and published texts.
YouTube recording
Power Trouble
12 June 2023
The idea that someone “has” power is fundamentally paradoxical. To have power entails not having to use it (when someone has to use their power it is because their power is already failing in some way), but when someone “uses” their power, it is always the actions of others, and not one’s own, that really matter. Why then the idea that people have power is so seductive to us? If power is never the cause of others’ action, then why do we act in determinate ways when facing what we think are powerful agents? If power is simply an effect, then why do we act as if it was the cause of our own actions? This is the mystery of power, what makes it so puzzling as a social phenomenon: power only exists because of the composite action of the ones over whom power is exercised, but, nonetheless, power is still attributed to—and, more than that, becomes an attribute of—powerful people. It is precisely this fetishistic character of power, that turns an effect into a cause and a relation into an attribute, that I propose to discuss.

Meeting Materials

GELL, Alfred. Art and agency - an anthropological theory.pdf

When the Wild Things Are: Political Organizing after the Monster
05 June 2023
Tektology, the organizational perspective and the triple modal logic we call the Monster provide a new framework within which to rethink political problems. I lay out a few of my own long-term projects and analyses which were profoundly transformed by STP work, which include research work on US imperialism and the US state, analysis of the Occupy movement and its ramifications, and ongoing community defense projects. Beyond the scope of my own work, I hope to motivate STP research from an activist perspective, in so far as I believe it capable of offering deep and effective insights into the work anyone is already doing, as well as new ways to approach buildings links between different groups, organizations or movements.
YouTube recording
Organization Science: Bourgeois and Proletarian
29 May 2023
Amelia Davenport discusses the ways in which Bogdanov's Tektology (universal organization science) prefigure key scientific insights in Bourgeois organization theory including Goldratt's Theory of Constraints, Conway's Law, and Mary Parker Follett's theory of integration

Meeting Materials

Eliyahu M. Goldratt, Jeff Cox - The Goal_ A Process of Ongoing Improvement-North River Press (2004).pdf

(The Systems Inquiry Series) Alexander Bogdanov, George Gorelik (trans.) - Essays in Tektology_ The General Science of Organization-Intersystems Publications (1984).pdf


YouTube recording
Two short presentations
22 May 2023
Two presentations by STP newcomers!
Organizational matters of the STP
15 May 2023
Plans and organization for 2023


YouTube recording
Social worlds and the logic of peripherization (AUB Presentation)
04 May 2023
World-systems theory remains an incredibly useful approach when describing international geopolitical dynamics, especially when it comes to the relations between center and peripheries in capitalist world-economies. A collateral effect of the way it defines some of its central concepts is that one tends to associate "abstractness" to the social dynamics of capital in the advanced center while supposing that capitalist domination in the peripheries is more "concrete" or direct, due to the needs of extractivism and overexploitation of labor. In this lecture, we will propose to invert this view on two accounts. First, by providing a twist to the idea that the relation between centers and peripheries is one of either expansion of central conditions towards the periphery or one of stability between the two, rather defending that there is a tendency for the peripheral form of life to expand towards the center of capitalism. Secondly, we will argue that this is associated with the fact that it is in the hybrid and conflict-ridden regions of the periphery that the abstract forms of capitalist domination are most at home.

Meeting Materials

AUB- Social Worlds and the Logic of Perpherization.pdf

YouTube recording
Social Atoms and Social Worlds
01 May 2023
Discussion on the groups essay for the Real Abstractions book.

Meeting Materials

AUB- Social Worlds and the Logic of Perpherization.pdf

YouTube recording
On a metalogical reading of Plato (and Sartre)
17 April 2023
A discussion about Plato and metalogic!

Meeting Materials


Organizational matters of the STP
03 April 2023
Topics in debate: central admin and rotating research coordinators
Discussion of STP's collective draft: Theses on the logic of social worlds
27 March 2023
Collective conversation on the draft of the paper STP members are working on together. For a copy of the draft, please contact a member of the collective.
YouTube recording
On Topos Theory, Logic and the Monster Diagram
20 March 2023
Some recent connections between the tripartite logic of the social world and topos theory.

Meeting Materials


Vickers - 2007 - Locales and Toposes as Spaces.pdf


YouTube recording
Strategic matters of the STP
13 March 2023
Meeting to discuss some of the open organizational challenges we are working through and our strategic ideas for STP in 2023


Hour at the Zoo: An Introduction to Structures featuring partial and Polycomposition
06 March 2023
In this conversation with Alexander Prahauser we take a quick look at several structures that allow to extend category theory into a framework that can handle time as well as quantity by introducing several notions of partial and multicomposition that are intricately interrelated between each other. This arc of development culminates in a notion of generalized cobordism that is powerful enough to describe most processes in the physical universe.

Meeting Materials

Hour at the Zoo.pdf


YouTube recording
The Contagion of Reality: Video Games and the End of Art
27 February 2023
STP invites Conrad Hamilton to speak about a marxist reading of the gaming culture.

Meeting Materials


YouTube recording
Organizational matters of the STP
20 February 2023
Meeting to discuss organizational matters, such as the planning of our symposium and the recent changes to STP functioning.
Noise and Social Synthesis: reappraising Attali's "Noise: the political economy of music"
13 February 2023
Discussion around Jacques Attali's book "Noise: the political economy of music" and the concept of social synthesis, from Sohn-Rethel's "Intellectual and Manual Labor"

Meeting Materials

J.-P. Caron e Bruno Trchmnn - Gato Tosco - Gato Tosco (Eng).pdf

Karatani- SWH Introduction.pdf

Attali- Noise chapter 1.pdf

YouTube recording
A. Kiarina Kordela's thought: real abstraction, historical blocks, meta-phenomenology
06 February 2023
A discussion of Kordela's latest work on epistemontology

Meeting Materials




YouTube recording
First Musings on Organizational Analysis
30 January 2023
The idea is to start putting together the groundwork for a research project on organizational analysis as a set of practical tools for political composition, using our own theoretical framework as a guideline while also comparing/integrating other approaches into it.

Meeting Materials

Organizational Analysis.pdf

YouTube recording
Presentation on the text "O Trampo da Treta" (part 2)
23 January 2023
Continuation of last week's presentation

Meeting Materials

The hustle of struggle (for sharing).pdf


YouTube recording
Presentation on the text "O Trampo da Treta" (part 1)
16 January 2023
Presentation and discussion of the text "The hustle of the struggle", written by members of STP


YouTube recording
First meeting of 2023
09 January 2023
General discussion and preparation for the year!
Last meeting of 2022
12 December 2022
Meeting to discuss plans for 2023
Plans for 2023
21 November 2022
Closed meeting to discuss our plans for 2023.

Meeting Materials

STP Diagram.jpg

From ologs to cooperatives: A project in experimental politics
14 November 2022
First, we will give an overview of various formalisms that have been helpful in our reconstruction of tektology. Then we will discuss the paper "Ologs: A Categorical Framework for Knowledge Representation" by Spivak and Kent. Finally, we will discuss potential applications of our theory towards worker co-ops and their value as experiments.

Meeting Materials

Spivak and Kent - 2012 - Ologs A Categorical Framework for Knowledge Repre.pdf

YouTube recording
Working through political organization, section 3: socially mediated perspectives (part 2)
07 November 2022
Discussion of topics from "Working through political organization: current results of the Subset of Theoretical Practice (2021-2022)", with focus on 3: the theory of socially mediated perspectives
YouTube recording
Working through political organization, section 3: socially mediated perspectives (part 1)
31 October 2022
Discussion of topics from "Working through political organization: current results of the Subset of Theoretical Practice (2021-2022)", with focus on 3: the theory of socially mediated perspectives
YouTube recording
Working through political organization, theses 5 and 6: multiplicity and organizational standpoint
24 October 2022
Discussion of topics from "Working through political organization: current results of the Subset of Theoretical Practice (2021-2022)", with focus on theses 5 and 6 of section 2: the multiplicity thesis and the thesis of the organizational point of view
YouTube recording
Discussion on 'Notes on our Melancholy Present'
17 October 2022
Conversation with Juliano Fiori about his text "Notes on our Melancholy Present"

Meeting Materials

Amidst the Debris-FINAL-Watermarked pages 167-195.pdf

YouTube recording
"Early treatment" ecossystem in Brazil: the "what's to be done" organizing schema for the Brazilian Far-Right
10 October 2022
Victor Silva, journalista and Public Safety bachelor student, will be presenting a case study on the "early treatment" ecology within the anti-lockdown and pandemic political struggles disputing the meaning of health, freedom, life and death. Was it a political movement? A cultural movement? An economic enterprise? Silva defends it was a mix of the three, giving the "early treatment" brand a powerful way to reproduce and amplify its scope to make at least 20% of the population in Brazil still believe that ineffective medication such as chloroquine is effective against Covid-19. References:

Meeting Materials

The covid-19 “early treatment” ecosystem in Brazil (1).pdf

YouTube recording
Working through political organization, theses 3 and 4: saturation and endogenous reproduction
03 October 2022
Discussion of topics from "Working through political organization: current results of the Subset of Theoretical Practice (2021-2022)", with focus on theses 3 and 4 of section 2: political saturation and endogenous reproduction.
YouTube recording
Working through political organization, theses 1 and 2: peripherization and vulgarization
26 September 2022
Discussion of topics from "Working through political organization: current results of the Subset of Theoretical Practice (2021-2022)", with focus on our first two theses about the conjuncture: peripherization and vulgarization.

Meeting Materials

Working through political organization_ current results of the Subset of Theoretical Practice (2021-2022) (RE-FORMATTED 01 09 2022)_Redact.pdf

YouTube recording
Types on Types: Towards an Informatic Theory of Organization
19 September 2022
If you thought the type theory fetish was bad so far, wait till you get a load of this abstract nonsense. We're gonna talk linear logic types, domain theory types, constructor types, categorical types, computational types. We're gonna talk about types in Rust and Haskell, and types in Rosen and maybe even Karatani (just as a little treat). Only one thing is for sure: if I manage to somehow link all these to the STP theory of organization, it'll surely be some type of miracle.

Meeting Materials


Lenin_ A Letter to a Comrade on Our Organisational Tasks.pdf

YouTube recording
Encontro de apresentação de pesquisas brasileiras no STP 1
13 September 2022
Apresentação das pesquisas feitas por brasileiros participantes do STP.
YouTube recording
On Memory Evolutive Systems (part 3)
12 September 2022
Discussing the seminal work of Andrée C. Ehresmann and J.P. Vanbremeersch.

Meeting Materials

STP - MES.pdf

YouTube recording
On Memory Evolutive Systems (part 2)
05 September 2022
Discussing the seminal work of Andrée C. Ehresmann and J.P. Vanbremeersch.

Meeting Materials

STP - MES.pdf

YouTube recording
Discussion with Rodrigo Nunes about "Neither Vertical Nor Horizontal: A Theory of Political Organization"
22 August 2022
A conversation with Rodrigo about his book, continuing our ongoing engagement with his work.

Meeting Materials

Questions about NVNH.pdf

YouTube recording
Open Discussion: Real Abstraction and the Communist Hypothesis
15 August 2022
YouTube recording
On questions of nationalism
08 August 2022
YouTube recording
Open meeting on case-study frameworks
01 August 2022
Discussion about which discursive practices can help us construct case-studies.
YouTube recording
Presentation of 'Neither Vertical Nor Horizontal: A Theory of Political Organization'
25 July 2022
Presentation on the main arguments of Rodrigo Nunes's book 'Neither Vertical Nor Horizontal: A Theory of Political Organization', in preparation for our discussion with Rodrigo himself, later this year

Meeting Materials

Rodrigo Nunes STP Slides.pdf

YouTube recording
Discussion with Marcelo Hoffman about "Militant Acts"
18 July 2022
The group invites Marcelo Hoffman to present his book "Militant Acts: The Role of Investigations in Radical Political Struggles"

Meeting Materials

(SUNY series in New Political Science) Marcelo Hoffman - Militant Acts_ The Role of Investigations in Radical Political Struggles-State University of New York Press (201.pdf

YouTube recording
J. A. Giannotti on the operational scheme
11 July 2022
Presentation on José Arthur Giannotti's approach to identity and equivalence in chapter 1 of "Trabalho e Reflexão" ("Labour and reflection"), and its compatibility with his linguistic turn in "Apresentação do Mundo" ("Presentation of the world"). The presentation deals with the broader issues of the constitution of world-transcendentals and the connection between language and value-form theory

Meeting Materials

GIANNOTTI, J. A. Trabalho e Reflexão (1984).pdf


YouTube recording
On transcendental affinity and the logic of the gift
04 July 2022
An informal presentation of the current draft of a paper formalizing some crucial ideas from Lévi-Strauss and Eduardo Viveiros de Castro. Portuguese draft of the paper available upon request.
YouTube recording
General Meeting
27 June 2022
A general meeting to discuss common interests and possible collaborations.
How does class matter? On class and social constraints
20 June 2022
In this meeting we will present some of the main arguments in Lillian Cicerchia's text "Why Does Class Matter?" and try to connect her ideas to the conceptual framework we have been developing. Special attention is given to the issue of how to connect structural and normative constraints, the relation between class, cooperation and competition and the issue of single-system x multi-system descriptions of opression and domination.

Meeting Materials

How does class matter (slides of presentation).pdf

Two logics of collective action.pdf

Structural Domination in the Labor Market.pdf


YouTube recording
Sérgio Ferro and the problem of "misplaced free work".
13 June 2022
In this meeting we will try and show how Sérgio Ferro's analysis of the renaissance painters shows their labor as an attempt to escape the harsh conditions of the artisanal labor done in guilds and corporations in the end of feudalism/beginning of modernity.
YouTube recording
Planning next steps
06 June 2022
Meeting dedicated to discussions about (1) STP/SGPP connections, (2) creation of "Immanence of Truths" reading group, (3) new proposals for contribution to Crisis and Critique and (4) other organizational issues of the collective.
YouTube recording
The Internal Language of Commodities pt. 2
23 May 2022
We continue our exploration of the logic of commodities in terms of formal languages (type theory, toposes, etc.).

Meeting Materials



YouTube recording
Thinking Through Political Organization: Militant Practice and Theory from the Organizational Point of View
12 May 2022
Event at the New School of Social Research, where we presented a summary of our research project, with comments by Bruno Bosteels.

Meeting Materials

Thinking Through Political Organization (Finall).pdf

YouTube recording
Elements for a Logic of Struggles: political economy of social conflict (part 2)
09 May 2022
In this presentation we will propose a formal framework to model the logic of social and political interactions in an attempt to treat three ideas: (i) that of means of production and reproduction of political bodies; (ii) that of boundaries of political bodies through which political interiorities and the social world interact; (iii) that of residues by which political experimentation and investigation can occur. Before introducing the framework, we will discuss the 2015-2016 school occupation movement in Brazil, which will serve both as a motivation and as a test case for the concepts developed.

Meeting Materials

Elements for a Logic of Struggles_compressed.pdf

YouTube recording
Open discussion about new publication
02 May 2022
Discussion about a future collective publication and our plans for the next meetings
YouTube recording
Elements for a Logic of Struggles: political economy of social conflict (part 1)
25 April 2022
In this presentation we will propose a formal framework to model the logic of social and political interactions in an attempt to treat three ideas: (i) that of means of production and reproduction of political bodies; (ii) that of boundaries of political bodies through which political interiorities and the social world interact; (iii) that of residues by which political experimentation and investigation can occur. Before introducing the framework, we will discuss the 2015-2016 school occupation movement in Brazil, which will serve both as a motivation and as a test case for the concepts developed.

Meeting Materials

Elements for a Logic of Struggles_compressed.pdf

YouTube recording
Why Lacan Abandons the Concept of Quilting Point: Toward a New Theory of Ideology
18 April 2022
Lacan’s concept of quilting point point de capiton is an important, albeit highly contested concept in the wider Lacanian vocabulary. Its valence in Lacan’s thought undergoes important changes from its first emergence in the Seminar III on the Psychoses (1950) up to Encore (1974) where Lacan abandons, if not fundamentally alters, the concept. In this paper I want to argue the concept remains central to any critique of ideology that utilizes the Lacanian point of view, and applying the notion to social and political phenomena opens a bigger debate about the epistemological status of political truths. The paper also presents an alternative model for thinking ideology critique that is critical of the Lacanian view, but informed by psychoanalysis in the thought of Edmund Bergler.
YouTube recording
Marx, Ecology and Technology in the Anthropocene
11 April 2022
Trying to grasp the Anthropocene and its political challenges makes Ecology and Technology some of the essential discourses around which a Critique of Political Economy has to locate itself. Reading Marx demands neither enshrining the master nor quickly dismissing his work as a mere relic of a past in which these questions never existed. Refusing both of these, I want to entertain the hypothesis that by reading these two recessive traits of Marx's work together, his interest in technology as a diagram of social domination and his casting of the social organization of production as embedded within a metabolic interaction with nature. Along this path, we might find an important theoretical reconstruction and a clue about the organizational challenge of inscribing together environmental and economic issues within the matrix of capitalist value-relations.
YouTube recording
The Internal Language of Commodities pt. 1
04 April 2022
A discussion of the relation between toposes, Heyting algebra, Marx's law of value and logic.

Meeting Materials


Otani - Capital and Surplus-value.pdf


Otani - Reproduction of Capital.pdf


YouTube recording
Surrogate Reasoning and the Socially Extended Mind Thesis
28 March 2022
In this meeting we introduce the "extended mind" thesis, its connections to our research project and the contributions of Barwise and Shimojima to the theory of "surrogate reasoning".

Meeting Materials

STP Extended Mind 28 03 2022.pdf

Shimojima and Barwise - surrogate reasoning.pdf

Socially Extended Mind reading package.pdf

Shimojima - On the Efficacy of Representation.pdf

YouTube recording
Five theses of the STP
21 March 2022
In this meeting we will discuss the last steps in our collective research and try to identify common theses and threads of enquiry.

Meeting Materials

Five theses.pdf

YouTube recording
the institutional bonds of philosophical activity
14 March 2022
In this presentation we will try and develop how philosophy organizes itself institutionally and what the implications of this structure in a world where universities monopolize the production of philosophy.

Meeting Materials

the institutional bonds of philosophy.pdf

YouTube recording
Meeting with the Extimate collective
21 February 2022
A meeting with the Extimate collective to talk about the situation in Turkey, the crisis of university and their project for a transdisciplinary organization.
YouTube recording
Short Presentations III
14 February 2022
A meeting dedicated to a participant's individual research.
Short Presentations II
31 January 2022
A meeting dedicated to the presentation of a new participant's research.
Short Presentations
24 January 2022
We continue general discussions and give time for participants to give a short presentation on what they're working on.
YouTube recording
Ideas for 2022
17 January 2022
A general meeting to discuss our plans for 2022
YouTube recording
General Meeting about Further Steps
06 December 2021
YouTube recording
Building the text for ŠUM
08 November 2021
YouTube recording
Further Planning for ŠUM (plus TV guide)
01 November 2021
YouTube recording
Planning for ŠUM
25 October 2021
YouTube recording
The generic in Badiou's theory of bodies
18 October 2021
YouTube recording
Sheaves, Forcing and Other Consequences of an Inaccessibly Infinite World
04 October 2021
YouTube recording
The technique of forcing in Being and Event
27 September 2021
YouTube recording
What is a revolutionary organization?
21 September 2021
How can we use science, specifically the science of organization, to inform political practice? This is a recorded talk given at the Revolution in Philosophy series held at Dar Yusuf Nasri Jacir for Art and Research in Palestine.

Meeting Materials

What is a revolutionary organization .pdf


YouTube recording
On use and exchange maps in the Primer on Political Phenomenology
13 September 2021
YouTube recording
Reading 'Genericity as Information'
30 August 2021

Meeting Materials

Robert Rosen - Essays on Life Itself (1999).pdf

YouTube recording
Treating the Commons
16 August 2021
We discuss the work of E. Ostrom from a phenomenological standpoint, including common pool resources (CPR), design principles for CPR governance and the appearance of costs.

Meeting Materials


YouTube recording
Mapping out a possible research direction, part 2
09 August 2021

Meeting Materials

Mapping out a possible research direction.pdf

YouTube recording
Mapping out a possible research direction, part 1
19 July 2021

Meeting Materials

Mapping out a possible research direction.pdf

YouTube recording
Open research questions
05 July 2021
YouTube recording
Introduction to Behavioral Mereology
14 June 2021
Here we discuss the work of Fong, Jaz-Myers and Spivak on determining parts and wholes using entirely constraint-based and functorial language.

Meeting Materials


Meeting References

Behavioral Mereology: A Modal Logic for Passing Constraints

YouTube recording
Discussion on politics and optics
31 May 2021
YouTube recording
A rough account of what we've been up to, for the benefit of others
17 May 2021

Meeting Materials

Overview 17 05 2021.pdf

YouTube recording
Discussion on method, language and ludics
10 May 2021
YouTube recording
Game semantics, ludics and a little bit of everything
03 May 2021

Meeting Materials


YouTube recording
Logic, Logistics, States and almost a bunch of case studies
26 April 2021

Meeting Materials


YouTube recording
Scale relativity in the work of Mark Wilson
19 April 2021
YouTube recording
Scale spacetime: Laurent Nottale's theory of scale relativity
12 April 2021

Meeting Materials

Laurent Nottale and Scale Relativity Theory.pdf

YouTube recording
The compositional point of view: labour time, partial worker, cooperation, part 2
05 April 2021

Meeting Materials

Labour time, Partial Workers and Cooperation.pdf

YouTube recording
The compositional point of view - Labour time, Partial Worker, Cooperation, part 1
29 March 2021

Meeting Materials

Labour time, Partial Workers and Cooperation.pdf

YouTube recording
On algorithmic socialism
22 March 2021
YouTube recording
Previous research and next steps
15 March 2021
YouTube recording
Organization, Force and Conjuncture
08 March 2021
YouTube recording
Essays in Tektology: Basic Organizational Mechanisms
01 March 2021
YouTube recording
On the equality of all minds, part 2
22 February 2021
YouTube recording
On the equality of all minds, part 1
15 February 2021
YouTube recording
A Primer on Political Phenomenology, part 3
01 February 2021

Meeting Materials

Primer_on_Phenomenological_Political_Economy (07 04 2021).pdf

YouTube recording
A Primer on Political Phenomenology, part 2
25 January 2021

Meeting Materials

Primer_on_Phenomenological_Political_Economy (07 04 2021).pdf

YouTube recording
A Primer on Political Phenomenology, part 1
18 January 2021

Meeting Materials

Primer_on_Phenomenological_Political_Economy (07 04 2021).pdf

YouTube recording
Essays in Tektology - Basic Concepts and Methods
16 December 2020
YouTube recording
Tektologic Spaces - Ideas for Organizational Platform
07 December 2020
YouTube recording
Capital as a Space of Reasons
04 December 2020

Meeting Materials

Caron-Pedro Capital as space of reasons.pdf

YouTube recording
Open Games, Sheaves and Prices
23 November 2020
We explore the work of J. Hedges et. al. in defining open games, a compositional approach to game theory, and try to find connections with equilibrium theory and sheaf theory.

Meeting Materials



YouTube recording
Reading Essays in Tektology - What is Organizational Science?
16 November 2020
YouTube recording
Sketch of a Model for Thinking Political Organizations
10 November 2020
YouTube recording
Discussion of further steps
02 November 2020
YouTube recording
Badiou and Marx, part 2
20 October 2020

Meeting Materials

Badiou & Marx.pdf

YouTube recording
Badiou and Marx, part 1
14 October 2020

Meeting Materials

Badiou & Marx.pdf

YouTube recording
Space and Logic, part 2
12 October 2020
YouTube recording
Discussion and revision of previous material
28 September 2020
YouTube recording
Space and Logic, part 1
21 September 2020
YouTube recording
Causal Powers, Scale and Consciousness - An introduction to IIT, part 2
14 September 2020

Meeting Materials

Introduction to Integrated Information Theory 7_9_2020.pdf

YouTube recording
Causal Powers, Scale and Consciousness - An introduction to IIT, part 1
07 September 2020

Meeting Materials

Introduction to Integrated Information Theory 7_9_2020.pdf

YouTube recording
The Logics of Historical Worlds
24 August 2020

Meeting Materials

What is a historical world.pdf

YouTube recording
Compositionality and Generative Effects
17 August 2020
Here we discuss the work of E. Adam in a cohomological and categorical description of generativity. We try to connect aspects of this to phenomenology and political practice.

Meeting Materials


YouTube recording
The transformation problem and the representation of capital
12 August 2020
YouTube recording
Outline of a Research Project
27 July 2020
YouTube recording